Our Yarn

Desert Pea Media is a cross-cultural, charitable organisation - consisting of both Indigenous and non-Indigenous staff, contractors and Board members. We strongly believe that this ‘two-way’ approach brings significant strength to the organisation, and the work that we do in communities.

We consider our work to be ‘Reconciliation in Action’: a direct response to the generations of disadvantage faced every day by Australian Original Nations people. 

As an organisation, DPM is committed to listening to, learning from, and being guided by Original Nations cultural knowledge and principles. We utilise contemporary systems, technologies, and techniques to support community-driven knowledge sharing that can empower and educate all Australian people and cultures. 

Sharing stories, healing the past and creating a positive future for everyone.

Our History

DPM’s unique and innovative community process was designed over two decades by founding members Matthew Priestley (Kamileroi/Gomeroi – from Moree, NSW) and Toby Finlayson (Irish/Scottish descent, born on Wiradjuri Country - Forbes NSW) through the vehicle of genuine, reciprocal friendship. 

In the years since, our work has grown and developed, and we are deeply grateful for the opportunity to be on country, and learn, share, and create with Original Nations communities. 

The maturing of our creative process has created genuine, measurable social impacts, and long-term partnerships such as Primary Health Networks, various Philanthropic supporters, Educational Institutions and State and Federal Government.  We have built a national reputation for authentic, inspiring and engaging community development work.

We are STILL committed to that cultural revolution.

There has been a long list of supporters, Board Members, mentors, staff members, artists and community members that have shaped us, taught us, and contributed to our growing organisational maturity. Special mention to the Smugglers of Light Foundation, The Makhampom Foundation and The Priestley, Finlayson and Nicholas Families. 

We would like to thank the Ancestors, Elders, young people, mentors, supporters, collaborators, and countrymen who have welcomed us, supported us, shared stories, country and wisdom, and have shaped our Desert Pea Media story into its current form.

Communities DPM has worked in: